
Managing A Business In a Downturn Economy

A recession typically refers to a downturn in the economy where about 75% of business turnover will be severely affected. These kinds of downturns ordinarily last 18 – 24 months. However, in South Africa, this is exacerbated by the lack of energy stability and a decline in optimal infrastructure. HavardContinue Reading

Fintech Talent: What You Need to Know

The world runs on money and the circulation thereof. Due to significant advancements in Financial Technology, money is moving quicker and safer than ever before. However, the movement of money depends on employees at Fintech companies, and they must make that money move to deliver convenience and security to stakeholders aroundContinue Reading

Retaining Employees During The “Great Resignation”

“The Great Resignation” is a phrase dreaded by most employers and continues to ruffle feathers as society easies back into a “normal” world of work. According to recent publications, the term was coined towards the elevated rate at which the South African workforce resigned from their corporate careers amid COVID-19Continue Reading

Resignation picture

Think Twice Before You Resign

The labour court gave a watershed ruling in the case between Mr Mohlwaadibona vs Dr JS Moroka Municipality. Case number J718/21 – March the 18th, 2022. Some critical questions in the labour court were what is the effect of resignation on the employment relationship and if the resignation could beContinue Reading

Performance management in the disruptive workplace

Performance Management in the Disruptive Workplace

The manifestation of the hybrid office is predicted to stay and requires all employees to rethink how to facilitate sustainable organisational recovery, no matter how junior or senior you are. It necessitates that executives adjust their performance management methodology to expediate business improvement, whilst being more empathetic and orientated. TheContinue Reading

Optimizing healthcare leadership

Optimizing Healthcare Leadership

Co-Authored by Auguste (Gusti) Coetzer & Hanco Minnaar There is a general perception that superior managerial skills are lacking in the global healthcare industry because the response to the pandemic lacked urgency in placing appropriate reactive responses in place. This is further exacerbated due to slow international progress in developingContinue Reading

Pandora's box in the workplace

Pandora’s box in the workplace

Hope is often regarded as a “soft” quality reserved for religious gatherings and psychologists rather than having a place in the cut and thrust of a tough business environment. But the Covid pandemic has so fundamentally changed our world that “hope” has become an essential quality that leaders must bringContinue Reading

Working from home: a double-edged sword?

Few dispute the massive impact that Covid-19 has had on every aspect of our lives, including our work. Thousands of employees have switched to working from home, rather than spread the virus through shared workspaces in office buildings. Whether this work-from-home trend will continue, and what its long-term impact onContinue Reading

The Relationship between the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Leadership

What does this mean for executive leadership capabilities?  One of the most profound challenges facing organisations today is that realities are constantly changing.  Having to deal with disruptive challenges and global external pressures are daily realities and would therefore imply profound leadership versus being despotic. The ability to develop newContinue Reading